Souls games are some of my all time favorite video games. Flawless fighting mechanics and challenge that is tough but fair are all of the things that make these games so great to play. Tho bosses are however probably the most memorable impression for any Souls fan. So I've decided to make a top 10 list of my favorite bosses from each of the Souls games that would culminate in a list of my all time favorite bosses out of every Souls game. First one up is as title suggest Demon's Souls. This one I've only played when it came out, and for some reason I was never compelled to return to playing it again all the way trough, so my memory of this game is pretty vague. However I really had to scratch my brain and consult wiki just to remember all of the bosses from this game in order to make a proper list.
10. Old Hero
It doesn't happen that often in games that you get to fight a boss that
is actually blind. He is definitely one of the easiest boss of Deamon's
Souls. Even though he is blind it is important not to get careless in
this fight, since he can still hear you. Granted his attacks are savage
and uncalculated. However simply because of his uniqueness he deserves
to be on this list.
10. Old Hero

9. Penetrator
Penetrator is one badass looking motherfucker wielding a long Penetrating Sword that glows blue during his every blow. He has several long sweeping attacks that deal massive damage. His thrust attack is particularly devastating, but his other offensive maneuvers are rather slow. This fight can be made much easier if you've released Biorr in previous level. He doesn't deal a lot of damage but serves well as distraction to Penetrator. This boss fight will most definitely challenge your rolling skills.
8. Maneater

Or better yet Maneaters are twin demons who are chimaera-like beast in appearance. They have a body body of the beast, bat wings, a serpent in place of a tail. At the start of this boss fight there is only one Maneater, but after about a minute another will join the fight. Their attacks consist of swipes and lunge attacks while on surface. When flying the serpent affixed to a Maneater's back can spew magic as a ranged attack. The serpant will at time bite into the Maneater self-buffing him with magic energy.
Maneater is definitely one of the creepier looking bosses, which is supported by a creepy music that follows this boss fight.
7. Fool's Idol

Souls games definitely have a thing for churches and idea of blindly following someone. This boss fight is best showcase of the latter.
6. Storm King

5. Tower Knight
Tower knight is probably one of the most intimidating looking bosses in Deamon's Souls, but actually he is not actually all that hard. The key to this fight is to first take out archers positioned around the battle arena. Tower Knight has some really powerful attacks, shield bash in particular being the one that can lead to your quick demise. I died a bunch of times before finally figuring out that you should try to stay behind him throughout the fight and keep attacking his ankles. Eventually he will topple down, then you should attack his head and soon you will notice that you are taking a big chunk of his health. It is always satisfying to beat a boss that is way bigger then you, even though at first time it may seem impossible. Definitely one of the coolest looking bosses from Deamon's Souls and that is why he is on this list.

3. Old Monk
The fight with the old monk is one of those fights that really took me by surprise. What I initially thought was a simple one on fight on fundamental level turns out to be much more than that. The twist here is that Old Monk (if you are playing online) is actually controlled by human player. Anyone who dabbled in PvP knows how unpredictable these fights can be. And that is what makes this boss fight so great. Depending on the skill of the player you are fighting this can either be one of the easiest or one of the hardest fights of the game. If you fight this boss multiple times every encounter can be drastically different. That is why this is one of the more unique fight of Deamon's Souls.
2. Maiden Astraea
As far as this fight goes it is
not that much about fight, since well you don't really fight Astraea. You
actually fight her bodyguard, Garl Vinland. The fight with Garl can be
surprisingly tough; however he can be bypassed since he guards a shortcut to
Astraea. You can either take a longer route or wade through monster
ridden, plague infested swamp land (which will lead to almost certain death). I’ve
chosen the shortcut and killed Garl. Once you kill him you will approach
Astraea. After a short speech she will admit that she can't protect herself any
longer and she commits suicide. This boss fight will probably make you consider
your actions and wonder if you are the bad guy in this case.
This boss fight is this high on this list mainly because of the story behind it.
This boss fight is this high on this list mainly because of the story behind it.
1. Old King Allant
Finally at number one is Old King Alliant. This was for me the most challenging boss fight that took me probably the most tries to get trough. He typically uses attacks in rapid succession, not leaving you much time to heal. The only breathing time you will have is when he uses one of his stronger attacks since he pauses for a moment before attacking again. He also has a signature move Soul Drain that deals high amount of damage and also removes last stat point reducing your characters Soul Level by one. There are no particular tricks to this fight. You will pretty much have to rely solely on your skills that will definitely be put to a test.
This boss is also known as False King since he is not the real Alliant. He is actually one Arch Demons (which are the strongest of the Old One's servants) which you need to defeat in order to face the real Alliant.
This boss is also known as False King since he is not the real Alliant. He is actually one Arch Demons (which are the strongest of the Old One's servants) which you need to defeat in order to face the real Alliant.
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