sBreaking Bad is one of my favorite shows of all time. This show and The Wire always go back and forth for that number 1 all time favorite spot. The fact that Better Call Saul is starting soon, it really made me think about certain scenes and episodes of Breaking Bad. So I've decided to devise a list of my all time favorite episodes. And this goes without saying, but there are going to be some major spoilers for the show.
10. Crazy Handful of Nothin' - Season 1, Episode 6
The Pilot for this show was really strong, but it wasn't until this episode that I was really sold on Breaking Bad. This episode would be mostly remembered for the meeting between Tuco and Walt, and that whole "This is not meth" scene. And that scene in the car afterwards, where that adrenaline really hit him is often described as a scene where that whole Heisenberg transformation of Walter White started.
Favorite quote/conversation
Walter: "Let's get something straight. This – the chemistry – is my realm. I am in charge of the cooking. Out there on the street, you deal with that. As far as our customers go, I don't want to know anything about them. I don't need to see them. I don't want to hear from them. I want no interaction with them whatsoever. This operation is you and me, and I'm the silent partner. You got any issues with that?"
Jesse: "Whatever, man."
Walter: "No matter what happens, no more bloodshed. No violence."
9. Half Measures - Season 3, Episode 12

This episode had to be on the list since my favorite Mike scene is in it. You know the one, where Mike tells Walt his cop story - sending him the message to never go the Half Measure. I really liked Mike even before this scene, but this scene made me appreciate Mike as a character even more. We also at the end of this episode see Walter take matters in his own hand by brutally killing two drug dealers. A one simple word that Walt said to Jesse after all of this still sends the chill to my spine - "Run".
Favorite quote/conversation
Mike: "The moral of the story is: I chose a half-measure when I should have gone all the way. I'll never make that mistake again. No more half-measures, Walter."
8. Full Measure - Season 3, Episode 13
This episode follows the circumstances of Walt killing two drug dealers (Gus's men) in previous episode. The entire opening scene with Walt and Gus in the desert reminded me of one of those old school westerns. Gus is mad with Walt, which pretty much sends him the signal that Gus will try to get rid of them. And since Gale (Waltćs lab assistant) pretty much learned the process of making meth, they are now replaceable. So the only way, as they see it, is to kill Gale so that Gus wouldn't have nothing else to do but rehire them. All of this leads to scene bellow.
Favorite quote/coversation
Walter: [answers phone] "Yeah?"
Mike: "Walter, you see us?"
Walter: "Yeah, I see you."
Mike: "I'd like you to exit your vehicle and start walking toward us."
Walter: "And then what? I'm gonna need some...some kind of assurance."
Mike: "I assure you I could kill you from way over here if it makes you feel any better."
7. Salud - Season 4, Episode 10
It pretty much goes without saying, but Gus Fring is hands down the best villain of this series (that is if you don't count Walt as villain). You can say that this episode was tailor made for all the fans of Gus Fring. Majority of this episode is focused on Gus's visit to Mexico. Main reason for his trip to Mexico was to visit Don Eladio, and as we find out killing all of them. He actually put poison in tequila which he drank as well. As we get to see in the very next episode he planed how to take poison out of his system. Performance wise this was Giancarlo Esposito's strongest episode.
Favorite quote/conversation
Jesse: "What is this shit? I don't get a vote? I'm supposed to just stay down here forever?"
Mike: "I promise you this: either we're all going home or none of us are. Now settle down."
6. To'hajiilee - Season 5, Episode 13
Second part of season five was consisted of some really strong episodes. This episode made it pretty apparent that we were getting really close to the end of the show. This episode gave birth to one of my favorite memes regarding Huell.
The ending of this episode provided us with one of the best cliffhangers of the show. It left fans debating over who actually made it out of that shootout.
Favorite quote/conversation
Hank: [over the phone] "Hey, baby. I got him. Dead to rights."
Marie: "You got Walt?"
Hank: "Yeah. I got him in handcuffs as we speak. Want me to wave to him for you? [waves at Walt, handcuffed in the car] Huh? Well, he's not, uh– he's not feeling too friendly."
Marie: "Oh, my God. You did it. Thank God."
Hank: "Things are gonna be a little rough for the next couple weeks, but they'll get better. Baby, you okay?"
Marie: "I'm much better now."
Hank: "I gotta go. It may be awhile before I get home. I love you."
Marie: "I love you too."
5. Felina - Season 5, Episode 16
The season finale gave the fans pretty much everything they wanted from the last episode. However for all of us who were devising theories about how will the show end there were literally no surprises. Sure there were hints and clues throughout the final season that helped us come up with the conclusion. That predictability is the only reason why this episode is not higher on this list. That being said there episode was amazing. Pretty much every scene worked great, from Jesse's recollection of making a wooden box, to Walt's visit of Elliot and Gretchen (the way in which Badger and Skinny Pete were brought back was amazing), to Walt's scene with Skyler (see below) up to final climax were all amazing.
Favorite quote/conversation
Walter: "Do it. You want this."
Jesse: "Say the words. Say you want this! Nothing happens until I hear you say it!"
Walter: "I want this."
Jesse: "Then do it yourself."
4.One Minute - Season 3, Episode 7
I have to admit I wasn't really digging the first couple of episodes of season 3, mainly because of the twins who are presented as the big bads of the season, but for me they felt rather weak. Basically every scene with them felt kind of weak for me. That was until the end of the episode which finished with a great showdown between Hank and Tuco's cousins. I remember that when I first watched this episode I honestly thought that Hank will get killed. Every scene with Jesse in this episode was pure genius. Seeing Jesse all broken down (after getting beat by Hank) was really hearth-wrenching. If you want to watch any episode where Aaron Paul really excels acting wise, this is the one.
Favorite quote /conversation
Walter: "So what happens now?"
Jesse: "What happens now? I'll tell you what happens now. Your scumbag brother-in-law is finished. Done. You understand? I will own him when this is over. Every cent he earns, every cent his wife earns is mine. Any place he goes, anywhere he turns, I'm gonna be there grabbing my share. He'll be scrubbing toilets in Tijuana for pennies and I'll be standing over him to get my cut. He'll see me when he wakes up in the morning and when he crawls to sleep in whatever rat hole is left for him after I shred his house down. I will haunt his crusty ass forever until the day he sticks a gun up his mouth and pulls the trigger just to get me out of his head. That's what happens next."
Jesse: "What happens now? I'll tell you what happens now. Your scumbag brother-in-law is finished. Done. You understand? I will own him when this is over. Every cent he earns, every cent his wife earns is mine. Any place he goes, anywhere he turns, I'm gonna be there grabbing my share. He'll be scrubbing toilets in Tijuana for pennies and I'll be standing over him to get my cut. He'll see me when he wakes up in the morning and when he crawls to sleep in whatever rat hole is left for him after I shred his house down. I will haunt his crusty ass forever until the day he sticks a gun up his mouth and pulls the trigger just to get me out of his head. That's what happens next."
3.Crawl Space - Season 4, Episode 11
The ending scene alone is one of the main reasons to see this episode. Bryan Cranston's acting was particularly impressive in this episode, and that performance was really punctuated by the last three minutes when he is maniacally laughing. Another highlight of this episode was when Gus visits Hector to gloat over murder Don Eladio and other members of his cartel. This movie builds tension very well all the way throughout the episode, leading to a conclusion that pretty much suggest that Walt would have to go to extreme measures in order to survive.
Favorite quote /conversation
Gus: "Hello, Hector. [Gus presents Hector with Don Eladio's necklace] All of them, Hector. Don Eladio, Don Paco, Cesar, Reynaldo, Ortuno, Cisco, and Luis. Escalara. All dead. As is your grandson, Joaquin. Do you know who killed Joaquin? Would you like to see? [Gus turns Hector to Jesse] This young man. Do you remember him? That young man shot Joaquin to death while I made my escape. I believe you have met him before. It was just you and Joaquin. He was the only family you had left. Now the Salamanca name dies with you. Will you look at me now? Look at me, Hector. Look at me."
2. Face Off - Season 4, Episode 13
And the result of those extreme measures we got to see in this episode. In a kill or be killed situation Walt decides to use a remote bomb in order to kill Gus. After his initial plan gets foiled, he goes to Hector as he becomes an important piece in his plan B (scene bellow). And we get to see what the whole stuffed bear with a half of his face blown off was foreshadowing.
Favorite quote /conversation
Walter: "It's over. We're safe".
Skyler: "Was this you? What happened?"
Walter: "I won."
1. Ozymandias - Season 5, Episode 14
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