Many probably associate
found-footage style of film making with horror genre, and most of found
footage movies are that actually. However there are some of them (two of
which are on my list), that try to do differentiate themselves from
other movies in the same genre by doing it in found footage style.
Whenever I speak with someone about found footage movies I always
mention how I'm really tired of them, and how they aside from that
gimmick don't really have anything new to give to us. But every once in a
while there comes a movie (that is done in found-footage style) that
blows me away, proving that there still some cool things you can do by
utilizing hand-held camera. So here we go with top 10 found footage
10. The Blair Witch Project
is the movie that started it all. There were movies prior to this one
that had that hand held filming kind of vibe (see Cannibal Holocaust),
but this movie really popularized the genre. I really bought in to the
hype for this movie. I came in to it with a blank slate not really
knowing what is about and what kind of movie it is. Watching it back
then when it was first released and not knowing much about it was
probably the best way to watch that movie. And as far as I can remember I
was really creeped out by it. Not really knowing if I was watching an
watching an actual movie or some documentary footage was what made this
movie enjoyable. However watching it years later and knowing what it is I
came to not really carrying about this movie. As a matter of fact I
found it kind of dull and boring. But for its legacy it deserves number
10 spot on my list.
is up to debate, but for me this is the strongest movie from this V/H/S
movie series thus far.Much like with other anthology movies there were
some segments that really stand out, quality wise, and those that are
particularly weak. For me the best segment of this movie (and of every V/H/S in general) is Safe
Haven directed by Gareth Evans (dude that directed The Raid and its
sequel). Basically this segment deals with a news crew that infiltrates
Indonesian cult and a fucked up things going inside of this cult. This
segment is just amazing and it pretty much makes every other pale in
comparison. Another really good one from this set is zombie themed A
Ride in the Park. Slumber Party Alien Abduction (story is pretty much
explained in the title) is for me by far the weakest one, and I would
even recommend skipping it all together.
is one of those movies that really surprised me, in a good way. Sure it
is yet another exorcism movie, but what makes it great is some really
clever scare scenes. Sure there are some scenes that are reminiscent of
those from The Exorcist (spider walk from that movie comes to mind), but
it still manages to take a spin on them. There are definitely some
genuinely creepy scenes in this movie. The whole found footage thing
made this movie even creepier.
I got to admit the ending of this movie is kind of stupid, but that still didn't take a lot from my overall enjoyment of the movie.
7. Lake Mungo
I got to admit the ending of this movie is kind of stupid, but that still didn't take a lot from my overall enjoyment of the movie.
7. Lake Mungo
Mungo is truly a weird little movie. It is basically a horror
mocumentaary. It tells the story of this Sixteen year old Alice Palmer
who drowns while swimming with her family. After her death the strange
things start to happen at her house. And I don't want to reveal anything
more in order to avoid spoilers. This is a well executed ghost story
that is genuinely compelling.
6. Afflicted
6. Afflicted
indie horror flick on this list, that probably not that many people is
familiar with. This is the story of two childhood friend Cliff and Derek
(they are also the directors of this film), who have decided to travel
all over the world in order to film their web series. Basically one
thing leads to antoher and Derek gets inffected with a strange
mysterious disease with some strange symptoms. Basically he becomes
superhuman with super strength, speed and agility with some drawbacks.
This movie is a true testament that there are still some interesting
ideas that can be implemented in found footage movies. This movie is
very well shot (at least for found footage movie), and being that is a
low budget movie it manages to pull off some genuinely impressive
5. End of Watch
seems that found footage movie genre is reserved for horror movies, but
every once in a while comes a movie in a different genre that manages
to do something interesting with found footage technique and that is End
of Watch. This movie was directed by David Ayer (writer of Training
Day), and it follows two cops Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Zavala
(Michael Peña) roaming the streets of L.A. and searching for criminals.
It is in many ways similar to Training Day but much more brutal and more
real. But the dynamic between the two leads is what really makes this
movie rise above movies from similar genre.
4. Trollhunter
movie follow a group of student who are investigating a series of bear
killings. In their search they stumble upon a mysterious hunter who
turns out to be a troll hunter. Of course they didn't believe that
trolls exist, but soon they found out. This movie is just cool in so
many ways. And that dude that is playing the troll hunter is all sorts
of bad ass. I really enjoy the dry humor of this movie, it really gelled
well with all the craziness that was happening on the screen. Troll
design in this movie is quite impressive. Variety in both appearance and
size of these trolls is something to behold. Great movie that mixes
moment of genuine tension with humor in a nice way.
3. Chronicle
Chronicle was one of those movies that I've started watching with a
very low expectations, and I was really blown away by it. This is a
strange, you can say superhero origins story. Here we follow three high
school seniors who gained telekinetic abilities from an unknown object.
At first we get to see them use their newfound abilities to basically
prank people and for some personal gain. This is until a shy kid called
Andrew (Dane DeHaan) starts using his abilities for more sinister
purposes. The whole introduction of the move with kids discovering their
abilities and using them was presented in an interesting way, that we
don't get to see in that many movies that deal with people with
superhuman abilities. To see them using their abilities for stupid shit
at first was quite refreshing. Also special effects for a movie with a
budget of 12 million $ were pretty impressive. I feel that three leads
did an amazing job, acting wise, With Dane DeHaan standing out. It was
also cool (and weird in a way) for me to Michael B. Jordan, who I
remember as a kid Wallace from the first season of The Wire.
was one of those found footage movies that really surprised me.
Watching the trailer I didn't really know what to expect, and the fact
that its release date was set in January had me worried. And the movie
itself started kind of weak with a bunch of douchey teens having a
party. Thankfully this only lasts for about 10 minutes, next thing you
see is head of Statue of Liberty rolling down the street. And everything
that happens from then on is bad ass as well. Shaky cam in this movie
is used to a great effect. Throughout the movie we get to see only a few
glimpses of the monster, until the very end when we get to see it in
its full glory, and boy is it intimidating.
1. [REC] and [REC] 2

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